MIM Toastmasters Club of Petaling Jaya’s meeting on 1st November 2006 was a DeepaRaya meeting. Deviating from our normal meeting of table topics, humour and prepared speeches sessions, this meeting had the ambience of colour and custom. We also had several guests who came to the club for the first time. The Division C Governor, Ratnam and Area Governor C4 , Chuan too graced this meeting.
We, the members of the club, had a gala time celebrating our Deepavali and Hari Raya celebrations. A mist the glow from the kuttu vilakku (Indian lamp), the meeting was filled with air of festivity.
The Shah Hotel’s meeting room was decorated not only with the kuttu vilakku but also with kolam , ketupats , sarongs and greetings cards. Some members also came in wonderful traditional costumes of salwar kameez, kurta, sari, kebaya and baju melayu. Whereas, the rest brought with them the spirit of celebration. Our long lost member Syed, gave us a surprise with his presence…handsomely dressed.
The toastmaster of the evening Ishaq, took the meeting to an exciting start. Invocation was done by Hong who talked about lion king and introduced Hakuna Matata(where the heart lies). Club’s president Bruce immediately said that Hakuna Matata will be the theme of the club for this term.
The meeting started of with a record of 3 new members Sharmini, Wendy and Wei Chung oozing with enthusiasm to kick start their career in public speaking and all of them did well in their maiden performance in the ice breaker speeches. This was followed by Yeoh with a speech from the advanced manual. Ishaq ticked our funny bones with some quick humour.
That concluded the first half of the meeting. Then it was refreshment time. We indulged in array of delicious food contributed by not only Hindu and Muslim members but other members as well. We had mee goreng, kuih-muih, keropok, spicy chicken, Indian sweetmeats, muruku and vadai. As were we enjoying the food and mingling, our games show master Chrisie reminded us to be ready for the more fun.
Chrisie divided us into two groups with the names of Toasters and Idlers. Gina was leader of Toasters and I was the leader of Idlers. The games included, charade, Oscar winner, Romeo & Juliet , and another hilarious game of husband and wife. The last, was each group had to sing the club’s anthem with their own words. Members had a swing time, some displaying their talents in drama and acting and others laughing their heads off at the antics of members. The clubs’ anthem was composed and sung within minutes. The Toasters were declared the winners.
Before we called it a day, we had the gift exchange session. Then the exhilarating meeting came to an end.
Below is the extract of President Bruce’s mail of the event:
[[ The ladies came in resplendent in their saris, Gina, Valli, Sharmini, Bathma and Chrisie. The man came out second best with Jaya in a very handsome Indian outfit and not to be outdone our veteran Syed came in an equally handsome baju melayu. The decorations immaculate with a colourful kolam painstakingly done by the ladies. For those who missed out on last night wonderful meeting and fellowship, I believe the photos would be posted on either Valli's Blog or our own website.
We had three icebreakers or done in superb fashion and Yeo T K attempting a role playing assignment trying to sell something to someone who doesn't know that he needs it yet. He chosed a difficult customer in Dr. Khong. Good to have Yeo T K attempting his assignment, almost a year after his last.
Best speaker went to Sharmini.... She really surprised me with her age. She looked so much younger......
Fellowship was great with gifts exchanged. The gameshow master, Chrisie Tan was at her best, drawing out the potential acting and singing talents from our members.
Great nite of fun, laughter and fellow ship. Keep up the euphoria.
Hakuna Matata (Our theme for the year)
Bruce Chan ]]
Here are photos which will paint pictures of the excitement and camaraderie!

[Smiles of the members and guests]
[Ishaq, Gina, Valli, Chrisie, Sharmini,Jaya and Bathma in the tradisional costumes]
[Gina briefing her team the TOASTERS]
[Game show master Chrisie watches Syed and Carol as they act in the drama]

[Club president Bruce welcoming members and guest]

[ I briefing my team Idlers on club's athem]
[Prepared project speakers eagerly waiting for thier presentations]

[Veera and guest in the Romeo & Juliet with a twist storyline]

[Chuan, Dr Khong and guest from the Toasters singing the club's athem]

[I must thank my colleagues for coming with the idea of the kolam. They provided the coloured rice, design and did the most of preparation. I just put it all togehter and the ladies of the club put the final touches to it. Wahlah! The kolam formed in less than 20 minutes]
[Members and guests]