I was stunted yet in control. A few seconds later I told my dad we should have just reversed our car and given chase. I would have been very glad to give that reckless fool a piece of my mind.
Thank you God… you were watching over us.
While I was browsing the net, I came across this interesting website by cancer survivors on Tit-Bits: Hand-Knitted Breasts .I did not even know about hand knitted breasts until I stumble on this blog.
Really amazing, creative and definitely much cheaper than breast prostheses.
A fellow survivor sent me an email me on an advice on food and diet. She said that everyone tells her that survivors can eat anything and everything. She had been looking around for the answers but could not find the conclusive answers. And so she wanted my view on diet.
First I was quiet touched by her contacting me and stating that after having read my blog she is amazed at how active I am and enjoying life.
This is extract of the email I sent to her:
[What to eat and what not to eat...this is always at the back of my mind.
I tell myself I have to be careful of not eating a particular food....but when I see them...I get so greedy that I just eat them up that then worry whether cancer will be back...ha...ha..!.
Early this year because of work I made to trips to East Malaysia. Seafood is so cheap and you cannot really get anything else. Since I went with my colleague I cannot deprive of him of the enjoyment of so many delicious of crabs, prawns and others. So I did eat all of them which I try to limit at home. And because of limited time during traveling on these trips we also had to eat fast food. So I consoled myself between staving to death and fast food... I better eat fast food at least to survival.
Every author of books who survived cancer has got their own theories about diet. I am really exhausted searching for the answer. Keep away from meat, sugar, carbo...and so many others...what the hell to be really eaten in the end? We must also see our surrounding circumstance.
In the beginning i was so diligent about making juice, eating lots of fruits & nuts everyday...but now life is more than just spending money food because there are other expenses and my family relies on my financial support...so I just eat what I can.
I take multi-vitamins, vitamin C, evening primrose, beta carotene, co enzyme 10 and when I remember I take apricot kennel. These are what I can afford.
There is not right formula because everything depends on surrounding circumstance. I love fried food...and every time I eat anything that damn question of I am eating right, is always at the back of mind.
Some survivors that I speak to, say they eating everything as life is short but others are on some special diet.
That is my story. There is not prefect situation as I have come to realize.]
I recently joined the Sathya Sai Baba Centres in their quarterly visit to the Sungai Buloh Leprosy Control Centre. It has such a long time that I have joined in this activity.
We were told that the inmates at Leprosy Centre have dwindled to about 160 people as many of them have passed away. When I visit started visiting this place some years ago the number used to be more than 200 inmates.
Many of the inmates have been day since pre merdeka days and that is the only home they know. Many of them have been abandoned by family and children because of their conditions.
I was at the food section as food and towels were distributed to the intimates, while the rest went form ward to ward, singing song, bhajans, speaking to the intimates and cheering them up.
Visiting the place always reminders me lucky we are for the life we lead with our loved ones. It is also a reminder how the human instinct to survive is great as some inmates have only each other and have become a new family unit. Some new volunteers were asked about their experiences. They all said it was an interesting experience and one way to do charity and give back to society.
What was quite disappointing on this trip is that many plant nurseries and landscaping businesses have given way to widening of the roads for new developments in that area including the new Sungai Buloh Hospital. These nurseries are owned by former patients from the leprosy centre. There are only a few plant nurseries that are left. I usually buy some gardening stuffs when I have there is a wide variety of plants, pots and gardening decoration. I suppose in my next trip there would be no more plant nurseries or landscaping businesses left and Sungai Buloh would have lost it fame for being a centre for plant nurseries and landscaping businessess.
During the weekend the National Cancer Society of Malaysia extended an invitation to volunteers who took part in the Relay for Life KL ’08 to an afternoon of sumptuous lunch and camaraderie.
The gathering was held at the The ATTIC, Bangsar. The President of NCSM, Mr Anthony Skelchy and I entered the place together and we were greeted with the aroma of food and chatting of people.
We, of course, had the bar in boutique to ourselves and the ambiance was cozy with everyone being relaxed. The friendly waiters and waitresses made sure we had our glasses filled with drinks or wine at all times.
Many volunteers, staff and survivors attended the function. Some brought their family too. One survivor cooked her signature mutton dish, which everyone enjoyed. Later we found out it was her 51st birthday and with quick thinking & action a birthday cake was produced. We sang the birthday song and she then cut her birthday cake with a wide smile.
As the networking went on full swing…the place was filled with laughter and music. We also had some lucky draws, games and of fun in the form of line dancing. The ladies and some men enjoyed themselves to line dancing rhythms and beats following the survivors who were familiar with the steps.
In the midst of all the merriment, we had survivors who are going for treatment for reoccurrence of cancer. I must take my hats of for these ladies for the enthusiasm, eagerness to take part and to still have a good time.
The President gave a short speech thanking everyone for their support and contributions. He concluded by adding the survivors were and inspiration to others and to keep their spirit high.
I had a good time on a Sunday afternoon, as I got to meet fellow survivors on other occasions beside the day of the Relay for Life.
I took some photos which will be posted later.
I finished my traveling trips nationwide and the last training was held in Kota Kinabalu. It has been an interesting project and I would miss the traveling.
I came back home and received some sad news. My fellow survivor and blogger Raden Galoh has developed a recurrence and is undergoing treatment. I also found out another young fellow survivor and active volunteer is also going through treatment for recurrence.
It is not really easy when you hear friends you know developing recurrence. They are in my prayers for a good recovery.
I have started tai chi workouts which I have skipped for the past 4 months due to the traveling. Many of the ladies wanted to know the reason for me for not attending the workouts for such a long time but were glad to see me in their midst.
A month ago while I was waiting at KL Sentral to take the commuter train home after work, I heard a loud thud. Suddenly, the crowd including me saw a girl lying on the railway track. Some men nearby, quickly jumped down from the platform and picked her up. She must have slipped while standing at the edge of the platform, busy “smsing” as she was still holding on to her handphone when she fell. Luckily during that rush hour the trains were delayed on that day. I have taken the train for over a decade now but this is the first time I have witnessed something like this. Hope the girl did not have committing suicide in mind. She may have suffered some slight injuries, as her neck and head had hit the tracks. How fragile life is and how carelessly some people can meet with accidents and that too because of a handphone.
The final lap with the NCSM banner leading the way
Some of the great ladies of NCSM, including the organising Chairperson
Volunteers arranged the Luminarias much earlier in preparation of the Luminaria Ceremony. Once again i missed the ceremony this year.
Perak Breast Cancer Support Group
Survivors & supporters from Cancer Link Society of Kuantan
The group from UKM, one of the many college and university students who gave their full surport to the success of this event.
The banner belonging to the US Embassy " One World On Hope"
the supporters from Xixili, one of the many companies who took part in this event
The palm prints of the survivors from Relay For Life 2007, now carried as a banner by two survivors.
The first performance on Saturday night was by these youngsters who performed indian classic dances.
The final count down as the crowd cheers and feels a sense of having contributed towards the sucess of the event
The tired participants packing up after the event
The survivors all ready to start off the event with the survivors' lap
My mom and I all geared up for the survivors' march
Can you all spot me on my mardi gars constume?
One of the Sunday morning activity included the 100 metres relay. Cancer survivors too took part in this relay
Some of carrying a poster with our messages on Sunday morning. My message cannot be seen as I ran out of ink. The message was "Life short, enjoy most of it and laugh alot"
On Sunday morning these little supporters were seen with their parents. Age is never a barrier!
The beautiful ladies (all survivors)in thier colourful costumes at the opening ceremony
The crowd following the steps of the dancers on the stage on a hot Sunday morning
Some of the photos of the survivors pinned up at the Survivors Booth. I was busy so I had no time to submit mine
On Sunday morning the energetic women leading the crowd to the music.
The ladies marching with the crowd after the opening ceremony
Both my friends lost their eldest daughter of 9 months due to some medical conditions. In fact while I was having my operation at the university hospital, their daughter was admitted to the pediatric wing of university hospital. A few weeks later she passed away. In the period of mourning my friends came to visit me at my home and I was really touched. They even bought me some very fancy scarves to use on my head.
I am really happy for them to have as God has conferred another bundle of love once again. This baby boy is in the pink of health. My friend herself, who has got her own set of medical conditions, had to endure tremendous pain and anguish during the delivery of her son…the power of mother’s love to endure the impossible for her child.
Another amazing lady I met over this weekend is my new found friend with disabilities who uses a wheel chair. My friend is so actively involved in NGOs now that she is retired and it is really enjoying life to the fullest.
It is important to be with people who are positive, as they deal and manage with challenges it gives us more confidence, strength and inspires us to deal with our own challenges.
I also came across this article which is very inspiring about a cancer survivor of 33 years.
Lastly, in my stint of conducting seminars nationwide, I had an interesting encounter in a hotel room in Kota Baru. The bed I occupied was filled with bed LICE! I was utterly shocked because I have heard of these crawling creatures but had not seen them before. What an enlightenment of the world under the beds and pillows…ha..ha!
After the interview we adjourned for refreshment break and I had a few men actually coming up to me and asking me to write down my blog address. Another convention participant came close to me and said she is also a breast cancer survivor. Some said my short sharing was so inspiring.
All that feedback made my day and I was proud of myself ! I had good set of friends who traveled with me and was surrounded by gaiety and positive thoughts participants thought the convention.
I hope to post the pictures taken by my friends when I get them.
I post here some pictures of the MASWings fokker plane that I took from Kuching to Sibu during my trip to east
www.BlueRibbonMovie .com
Happy Tamil New Year! [Tamil puthantunal vazthukkal]. Yesterday was Tamil New Year and we all went to the temple to have our prayers.
The whole of last week I was in
The National Cancer Society of Malaysia will be oganising for a second year the RELAY FOR LIFE from 31st May to
Many things have been happening so quickly lately that I just not have time to digest things including having fun...ha...ha!
I am now waiting for my biopsy report which will come out next Wednesday. As I said earlier, a needle biopsy was done on my right breast as they spotted some ducts. Frankly, I have really sick and tired about worry about things.
When I went to have the biopsy done, I met a 80 year old man doing a second biopsy on his breast for confirmation on the existence of lumps in his breast. His 75 year old wife told me that her husband comes from a family with cancer history and she was told that every 1 in 100 men would get breast cancer. I am so used to seeing all ladies waiting for their appointments at the breast clinic and this time around it was a first time for me to have a man among us.
I had pain on my right breast for two days because of the needle biopsy. Well I pray that I am okay and in pink of health.
In the midst of all this, I was in Kota Kinabalu,
The reception was held Shangri-la’s Tanjung Aru Resort & Spa a beautiful hotel and near the sea. It was celebration among family and close friends. Finally they all got to see my brother..ha..ha! Since we did not have much time, our sight seeing was limited to the town but the sea could be seen everywhere.
After all this the newly wedded can finally settle down and move with the married lives!
I lost a good friend today. He died of a heart attack in his sleep. According to his family, he complained of chest pain earlier but did not seek medical treatment. He worked long hours and smoked heavily.
I was so utterly shocked when I heard the news. Only last weekend I had just smsed him wishing him a happy birthday as he turned 52 and he had called me to thank me. Every since i heard the news i have been so upset. And now I have just returned from his home after having paid him my last respect.
I have only known him for about 2 years and in that span of time I have experienced so wonderful memories and encountered new exposures in life. I will always be thankful for that.
This just goes to show how fragile life is and we may not open of eyes no to see the next day. Life should be cherished and valued. It is also important to be surrounded by loved ones.
May his soul rest in peace.
http://sbcf.blogspot.com/2007/10/drkshantha-breast-cancer-foundation.htmlWell Ram, I hope the above will be of some help and wishing your sister -in- law a speedy recovery.
Just before the year ended my cousin sisters from America threw a surprise bash for their parents on the occasion of my aunt and uncle’s 40th wedding anniversary is style at the Carcosa Seri Negara, a midst a colonial landscape. Joining merriment were family members and very close friends.
My cousin sisters and their families produced a book capturing the significant journey of their parents from India, subsequent marriage in
My cousin’s eldest 8 year old son gave a welcoming speech for his grandparents which he proudly wrote himself, portraying images of young blood in the family trees.
It was really great of my cousin sisters to celebrate this joyous occasion, as my motto is all occasions must be celebrated in a big or small scale, family moments with young and old must be cherished.
The second function was spent in
The function consisted of two parts, which on the Saturday night, a pooja (prayer) was held and on Sunday morning there was a wedding ceremony where my granduncle and grandaunt renewed their matrimonial vows. Both bride and bridegroom, looked energetic, radiant and had an air of accomplishment.
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