A thought came to me two days ago that made me eager to find out how many ladies knew that October is a Breast Cancer Awareness Month. So I sent mails, asked colleagues, friends and some total strangers whether they were aware that it the Breast Cancer Awareness Month. I also got some friends to ask their colleagues too.
About 50 ladies were asked. The verdict majority of them are not aware of the Pink October. That does not sound good at actually. I remember reading an article early this month stating that not many Malaysian realize this symbolic month. It clears shows there are a lot more needed to be done in creating awareness.
I know there are various activities and campaign to create public awareness being initiated by various bodies including the radio stations, magazines, manufacturers and distributors of beauty products and women apparels, hospitals and medical centres. Others have also come out with their products in the pink colour, participating outlets are giving away goodie bags, discount voucher and insurance companies have launched new schemes for female related diseases.
Proceeds from the various activities among others, charity auction, charity golf, charity walk are being donated to the various cancer related organizations. In addition, some organizations are also subsidizing or sponsoring mammography for the lower income group.
At the road shows and public forums educational talk, breast self examination demonstration, free consultations are some of the important agendas. I, myself have participated at these forums where a survivor is called to share her experience.
To be frank, I can’t remember whether I knew of Pink October before my encounter with breast cancer. Many may not be aware of it but I know more Malaysians are aware of breast cancer more than ever now compared to a few years ago.
About 50 ladies were asked. The verdict majority of them are not aware of the Pink October. That does not sound good at actually. I remember reading an article early this month stating that not many Malaysian realize this symbolic month. It clears shows there are a lot more needed to be done in creating awareness.
I know there are various activities and campaign to create public awareness being initiated by various bodies including the radio stations, magazines, manufacturers and distributors of beauty products and women apparels, hospitals and medical centres. Others have also come out with their products in the pink colour, participating outlets are giving away goodie bags, discount voucher and insurance companies have launched new schemes for female related diseases.
Proceeds from the various activities among others, charity auction, charity golf, charity walk are being donated to the various cancer related organizations. In addition, some organizations are also subsidizing or sponsoring mammography for the lower income group.
At the road shows and public forums educational talk, breast self examination demonstration, free consultations are some of the important agendas. I, myself have participated at these forums where a survivor is called to share her experience.
To be frank, I can’t remember whether I knew of Pink October before my encounter with breast cancer. Many may not be aware of it but I know more Malaysians are aware of breast cancer more than ever now compared to a few years ago.
dearest valli
thank you for sharing the effort you have made to create this blogsite. Divine intervention or not, the timing could not have been more perfect for my own needs. Thank you for yr support in setting my own blogsite. I could have not reached out to so many of friends in our hour need otherwise.
On the question of BC awareness for the month of october, to be honest if not for my sis-in-laws sufferings I would have paid scant regard to it. She is educating the family with her pain. Effort like yrs & hers will bear fruit I beleive.
True, living after BC does not receive the kind of attention it deserves shd cos ordinary people like me keep telling survivors "hey you shd be happy you survived". But we fail to appreicate feelings cannot be denied, fears dont go away just cos someone else says it shd..... thank for opening my eyes,
again a very big thank you.
Kudos to you! This is an xclnt service you have to offer to d community.. keep up d fighting spirit :)
» International Trial Of Novel Breast Cancer Drug
14/12/06 07:03 from Breast cancer blog from medicineworld.org
A clinical trial of a new targeted breast cancer drug, led by
physicians at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) Cancer
Center, has begun enrolling patients. The TEACH (Tykerb
Evaluation After CHemotherapy) trial will investigate ...
For useful content on breast cancer cure,reduce your risk breast cancer and early breast cancer detection: check
the url is http://breast-cancer1.com
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