Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Inspiring Others “N” In Return Inspired

As I said in my earlier post that I started my blog about a year ago. It is really amazing how this blog have connected to me to my blog visitors.

I have been receiving wonderful messages and comments from the various blog readers including my friends and acquaintance. It is the sharing of one’s encounter with breast cancer that inspire others.

The blog has help me to improved my writing skills tremendously… that includes my creativity in taking pictures…ha…ha! Even old acquaintances have been renewed…that is really great!

As this blog arouses people’s emotion, they too motivate us and up lift our spirits. Many times we survivors need these moral boosters too.

I end this post by a breathtaking statement from one of my blog visitors who said my blog showed “to take life positively irrespective of our pains”

1 comment:

selvin said...

dearest valli
uma lost her youngest brother on have been an ispiration to her thru her father's and her soul-mate Sylvia's recent bereavement...I am sure your blog will be a great source of strength for her; yet again!