I always wanted to know how I would perform if I was asked to speak in Tamil about BC. I had the opportunity to test my skills last Sunday early morning. There was a breast self examination (BSE)programme organized by the women's wing of Petubuhan Kebajikan Socio Ekonomi Masyarakat India KL & Selangor (PEREMI) with the assistance of Yayasan Strategik Sosial. The BSE was the first programme after the opening ceremony.
This was the PEREMI’s inaugural event which was officiated by it patron YB. Tuan Manibalan Kutty. Breast Cancer Welfare Association (BCWA) was invited to conduct the session on BSE.
Besides me there were two other survivors, Sarojini and Vimala. I started by sharing how I discovered BC, followed by my fellow survivors. I realized a lot of times I express myself in English that I have forgotten how certain words are spoken in Tamil.
I even forgot how “breast” is said in Tamil….can you believe that! I also totally did not know the tamil word for “menstruation”. Anyway I quickly picked up the words and used them in the presentation.
There were about 30-40 women from all ages. BSE techniques were explained by making reference to the BCWA pamphlet. Teaching sets of silicon breast were available for all women to have the hands on experience.
The audience had a lot of questions to ask, which we gladly answered. It was a good one hour session.
I was actually proud of myself for having been able make the presentation in Tamil. I must congratulate PEREMI for creating more awarenss about BSE to the indian women.
My first presentation in Tamil
Silicon breast sets for on hands experince
Vimala explaining about BSE to a participant

This was the PEREMI’s inaugural event which was officiated by it patron YB. Tuan Manibalan Kutty. Breast Cancer Welfare Association (BCWA) was invited to conduct the session on BSE.
Besides me there were two other survivors, Sarojini and Vimala. I started by sharing how I discovered BC, followed by my fellow survivors. I realized a lot of times I express myself in English that I have forgotten how certain words are spoken in Tamil.
I even forgot how “breast” is said in Tamil….can you believe that! I also totally did not know the tamil word for “menstruation”. Anyway I quickly picked up the words and used them in the presentation.
There were about 30-40 women from all ages. BSE techniques were explained by making reference to the BCWA pamphlet. Teaching sets of silicon breast were available for all women to have the hands on experience.
The audience had a lot of questions to ask, which we gladly answered. It was a good one hour session.
I was actually proud of myself for having been able make the presentation in Tamil. I must congratulate PEREMI for creating more awarenss about BSE to the indian women.

Marion of the BCWA showing to a participant how to feel the lumps on the silicon breast
Organising Chairman Dr Batumalai Velu presenting a token of appreciation to Babara of the BCWA
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