Wednesday, November 04, 2009

High Blood Pressure

I went to see my doctor near my home and was told my high blood pressure was very high 160/110. She told me i am living time bomb and anything could happen any time. So she immediately put me on pills. I am to take the medication for 2 weeks.

That made me upset. Looks like i am collecting trophies of medical conditions. I still do not know why i have got it. I not have a stressful life , eat healthy and have exercise. I started on my breathing exercise and meditation recently. Hope i have the my reading under control the next time i see my doctor. May it is the travelling long hours to work. I really wish i could do something closely to home.


Unknown said...

Valli, check your cholesterol and lipids, and fasting blood sugar, and ultrasound your liver for evidence of fatty liver. U may be on the road to metabolic syndrome. Buy the Guardian BP set, only RM 100+, and check your BP, especially early morning, that is the time when it is highest! and many death and stroke happens at that time. Good luck.

Anonymous said...

Take care, Valli!

Anonymous said...

Hey there! Greetings from a fellow cancer survivor and another lopsided female too. You are doing great! There is definitely life after cancer. Visit my blog - I am a testament to that! God Bless!