Sunday, December 20, 2009

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Over the weekend i followed my mother for her 6 months' once check up to UMSC and saw Prof Yip. While waiting an other cancer sat beside me. That morning i was in a chatty mood and so pick up a conversation with her. She in her mid 50 and is a 5 year breast cancer survivor, however after her third year she had leukemia. She told me how she had to go through the treatment and spend a long time in the hospital. She looked good to me but she said she still has some side effects of of the treatment for leukemia.
I asked her my famous question" How do you take life now?" She replied she takes one day at a time and does not really worry about the future. She enjoys and does what she can in a day. As a single woman, she thankful to her family.
When i was speaking to her as just truly admired her perseverance and energy to handle the treatment and move on.
Prof Yip said my mother is fine and asked how i was. I said i am fine except for the BP. As for my BP reading, well some days it is normal and some days slightly higher but everything is under control.
After such along time i followed my friends to their general hospital rounds as volunteers. It brought back memories as i had once followed them for almost 7 years visiting patients. At wards I saw two ladies, who had surgery for breast cancer and the other going through treatment. That day although i talked to them i did not share that i too am a cancer survivor.
Sometimes i feel like telling the whole world and sundry that i am a cancer survivor and other times i just do want to reveal anything.
Looking forward to the new year as i have a whole list of resolutions that i plan to write down.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all my blog visitors

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