Thursday, January 17, 2008


I have been experiencing discomfort on my right breast for the last 2 months. As my visit to the radiologist was coming up I thought I might as wait till then. Even when I was on my company’s trip to Langkawi I was really uncomfortable. Because I am just sick and tired of going to see the doctor as it can be nerve-wracking expedition, I just want to wait for the appointment date.

So last week I had my mammography done followed by ultrasound. The radiologist found the calcification that was 6 months ago on my right breast. After much thought she decided that she wanted a biopsy done just to be sure about the fluid filled abnormality.

So on 4th of February I will get the biopsy done. I asked the radiologist and she said it is not a worrying condition but she just wanted to make sure. Yestersday was my appointment in the Breast Clinic. They would have to wait for the biopsy to be done before proceeding further.

This year started with lots of issues on my mind including the health condition, I have no choice to cheer up and see how best to deal with them


Anonymous said...

Hi Valli,

You are always in my prayers.
Hope things will go fine for all of us dear.
Take care we're with you.

HCI said...


Postpone thinking about the breast pathology, but continue with healthy eating and lifestyle.

NK Valli said...

Dear Anonymous

Thank you for your prayers. Yes hope is so important so let us continue to hope and experience the beauty of life.
