Wednesday, October 31, 2007

The Secret

Reading my posts later anyone would get the idea that I have gone into this low beat feeling of gloominess….if this sounds right! Well, that how I felt when I read again, my early posts...ha…ha!

Even when I read other survivors blogs and I do not see their posts for some time, I get worried. I suppose that is what others too must be presuming because as sometimes I get calls from friends to find out if I am okay. I am really touched by their calls.

It just that everyone leads a very busy life style that sometimes you just cannot find the time to sit and blog. I am really amazed at others who can find the time to blog so often.

Last week I just felt stressed…went for retail therapy...bought the book “the Secret” by Rhonda Byrne. The book had always been at the back of my mind. Then a friend loaned me her DVD on it which I did not get time to watch till the end. Coincidently, after that I meet my brother friend near my office and as we talked he said he is reading the book and had made changes to his life. And then I need retail therapy and got finally got the book.

And now lets see one can come out from the cocoon of negativism to a frontier of new energy, vibrancy and full of life…ha…ha!

Today is the last day of Pink October, and I did not participate in any of the events. Well, there are rests of the months to contribute towards the breast cancer cause.


chandra said...

Dear valli

Very well written.

Good, it enlightens the lives of victims who face health and painful challenges.

Keep on writng; this is a kind of community service. Aunty Chandra

HCI said...

He he Valli, now I feel like putting a new entry in my blog. I've been busy is much more challenging now..and my priority is to live and to blog less..